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Phone: 01756 752861

Booking and Prices

How to book

If you would like to book an activity at Kilnsey Trekking and Riding Centre then you can contact us using the details on our contact us page. Advanced booking is advisable as week get very busy especially at weekends. So please do book ahead to avoid disappointment.

The activites listed below are just a sample of what our riding centre can provide. If you would like a bespoke riding holiday or riding party please contact us to discuss your requirements.

If you are attending our riding stables for a day ride, please come equipped with suitable clothing and footwear. Gloves and waterproof clothing are advisable. BSI standard riding hats can be provided by our centre.

Please note: Treks are for people with little or no riding experience; they are ideal for the beginner and novice rider. Our treks are at a walk and are led at the pace of the least experienced rider in the group. There can be up to eight or ten riders in a trek. If you’ve not been horse riding before or are just finding your way in the saddle, then this is the best choice for you.

Rides are suitable for intermediate riders and advanced riders. Our rides usually consist of smaller groups than a trek. If you can hold your position in a canter, then a ride is the best choice for you.

We can only accept children over the age of four on our trek and rides. Riders over 13 stones (83kg) cannot be accepted without prior arrangement.

Please note: Children must be over 3 years old to ride with us. Children over 3 and under 6 years old must be led on the pony by a parent or suitable adult. Adults leading or walking with a trek should wear suitable footwear.

Payment and Cancellation Policy

We request that payment for rides and treks is made in full when you make your booking. If you need to amend or cancel your booking, please get in touch as soon as possible to discuss your requirements.

If you cancel your activity with more than 48 hrs notice, we will charge a small admisitraion fee to cover our costs. This will be discussed with you prior to any action being taken and is dependant upon the size of your booking.

If you cancel your activity with less than 48 hrs notice, 50% of the total booking will be payable.

Gift Vouchers

We offer Gift Vouchers for Horse Riding and Pony Trekking. If you would like to purchase a Gift Voucher for any occasion, then please contact us.

Terms and Conditions apply

Pony Trek & Ride Prices (per person)

Please note: The prices for the rides of 1.5hr or longer are based upon a ride of two or more people. This could be two independant bookings, not necessarily a party of two. For exclusive rides (one person plus guide), supplement charges apply.

River Gate River Trek
Duration up to 30 mins
Otter Gate River Trek
Duration up to 40 mins
Byram Meadow River Trek
Duration up to 45 mins
Byram Barn River Trek
Duration up to 55 mins
1 hour£40.00£40.00
1.5 hours£55.00£55.00** (exclusive supplement)
2 hours-£65.00** (exclusive supplement)
3 hours-£85.00** (exclusive supplement)
Full day-£130.00** (exclusive supplement)
More than one day-Contact us for options and prices
**These prices are based on a minimum of two riders. If you are the sole booking, or if you wish to have the ride private for yourself or your group, there will be an added supplement to be paid.

Trail Ride Dates & Prices (per person)

Our trail rides are priced based upon individual requirements and are dependant upon length of ride and number of riders. For dates and prices of all our trail rides, please get in touch.

Children's Party Prices (per person)

Prices based on a minimum of 6 children. The party treks are exclusive to your group. We can provide a heated room with decorations for after the ride if you would like to bring party food. To use our room for your picnic, there will be an additional charge of £15. See a short video of the room used for parties.

Party TypeLevelPrice
A private ride for up to 8 childrenBeginner£19.00
A treasure hunt ride for up to 8 childrenBeginner£22.00

Schools & Groups

Prices based on a group of 10 riders

River Ride only (approx. 40 mins)£13.50 per person
Groom & Tack Up session (approx. 2 hours)£15.00

Santa's Christmas Ride (per person)

£18 member/£20 non-member

Easter Egg Hunt (per person)

£18 member/£20 non-member

Non-residential Pony Week Prices (per person)

Details of Pony Club membership supplied on request. Download the booking form. To secure a place on our Pony Week a non-refundable deposit of £25 is required per child per week.

21st July – 25th July 2025 (9 am to 1 pm)£195 member/£245 non-member
28th July – 1st August 2025 (9 am to 1 pm)£195 member/£245 non-member
4th August – 8th August 2025 (9 am to 4 pm)£245 member

Child Lesson Prices (per person)

Lesson TypePrice
Class Lesson£15 member/£20 non-member

Pony Club Membership (per person)

Price (children under the age of 21)
£38 per year